Sunday, 23 March 2014

Br. Joshua

I know he is making a great time in Mpeketoni right now because he does that wherever he goes and irrespective of who is in his company. When he came to Mpeketoni for the first time I was there. Tired as I had gotten, everything was bound to change, from awareness of the kittens in the compound to reality of life as a one big joke to outlook of religious vocation. Technically, all things changed! That very day he arrived, during supper, we sat next to each other. soon
after the prayer before meal, with a very big smile, he took a serviette and tacked it around his neck like a napkin. He then whispered “hapa watu wanaishi kama wazungu, wacha tuweke hii karatasi hapa!.” All through meal, I was uncontrollably laughing. At first I thought, ‘what a countryside idiot, he does not differentiate between a serviette and a dinner towel’ only to realize that it was one of his timely jokes!