Br. Evans
Br. Evans
Br. Evans is simply a GG (Gentle
Giant). Well, there are other brothers who are taller than he is, but according
to me, he seems taller. At times I tend to think he can kiss the back of my
head while standing in front of me. Within a little while with him, you realize
that he is not just physically huge but also the inside of him. He has this tendency
of seeing life in pictures often so remote to common minds. It is the
explanation of a picture that you often realize what is in the inside of a
person. During his second year in Philosophy, they were advised not to carry
with them personal laptops. It was funny how Evans looked at it; he asked me
“can you imagine I can’t have a personal laptop? Over there in Kenya a class
one pupil will be having a laptop while I, a grown up man, cannot have one” and
then he continued laughing. Picture that, to Evans the Giant, “a laptop
prohibited” and next to him a post toddler fellow is having all the possible
fun with a Uhuruto laptop! Well, the
picture didn’t seem to worry him much, instead it seemed funny.
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